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Transforming lives and building communities

We empower individuals, foster collaboration, and create a sustainable environments where everyone can thrive and contribute to a shared future

We deliver solutions and reach unreachable communities

With out partners, our humanitarian work reaches the most remote and vulnerable communities, delivering critical support where it’s needed most.


We prioratize accountabillity to our stakeholders, ensuring that we remain transparent in our actions and decisions while actively fostering trust and responsbility in all our interactions


We promote transparency, openness, freedom of expression and social responsibility as essential values that empower individuals and fosters trust within our community


We are committed to upholding the principles of humanity by recognizing and respecting the fundamental rights of all people, regardless of their background or circumstances.


Years of experience

About Hurdo

Empowering Communities Through Resiliennce and Self-Reliance

HURDO- Humanitarian Umbrella for Relief and Development Organization is a Somalia-based, legally registered local non-governmental organization that is focused on empowering communities and vulnerable populations including women, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees to be self-reliant and escape poverty.

HURDO pursues the vision of empowering individuals and communities to break free from poverty and isolation by fostering a brighter future built on capacity enhancement of vulnerable and marginalized populations which is imperative for social and economic independence and resilience. To achieve this vision, HURDO strategically collaborates with communities and stakeholders to achieve socio-economic development and resilience through targeted program implementation like capacity building and community-driven and owned humanitarian interventions. This participatory approach is central to raising robust communities.


Our Core Programs


We provide emergency and sustainable access to safe clean water …


We provide sustainable and dignified shelter to vulnerable communities affected by crises …


We support education in Somalia through various activities including school feeding …


We prioritize GBV and protection, ensuring the safety and dignity of vulnerable populations …

Health & Nutrition

We provide vital healthcare and nutrition services in South Central Somalia, addressing …

Food Security, Livelihoods, and Resilience

We help improve access to food for vulnerable IDP and host community by providing agricultural …

Join us in our humanitarian efforts in Somalia to enhance the impact of our cause in transforming lives.

Projects Completed

People have received support in 2024

Our Donors

Full-time and voluntary Staff


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