Climate Change

HURDO’s Integrated Environment-Climate Programme Component

In Somalia, as indeed in many sub-Saharan Africa countries, environment and natural resources (forestry, biodiversity, land and aquatic resources) underpin the livelihoods of most of the country’s population; our experience over the years has demonstrated and informed us that, the intersection between environment, poverty and livelihoods needs to be addressed in a coherent and coordinated manner ensuring the active participation of all stakeholders.

HURDO considers environment-climate actions as necessary cross-cutting issues across our range of programmes, and we consider strengthening the requisite community structures and capacities as critical to ensuring sustainable interventions. HURDO will support coordination of environment and climate action activities with stakeholders (including the relevant ministries) to help advance the implementation of projects that align with the organization’s priorities. We shall also work to foster capacity of various environment-climate structures and institutions as part of HURDO’s programming sustainability framework, and also spearhead and or participate in relevant, policy discourse.

HURDO will also contribute to identifying and collecting data and information from various sources (i.e., government ministries, development partners, UN, community based organizations and structures…) to fill gaps for better understanding of the situation and needs of needy communities across Somalia.

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