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Marginalized Women and children are the most vulnerable as they lack access to quality healthcare, food and water- all of which save lives. This is especially true in conflict and emergencies, or in poor and deprived areas, where the challenge of keeping children alive is heightened.

With your generous support, HURDO’s workers are with them on the frontlines. Every day, they deliver lifesaving aid, protection and education. Please donate with our bank details indicated in this donate button.

Premier Bank Account


Offline Donation

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps: "  Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

  • Write a check payable to "Humanitarian Umbrella for Relief and Development Organization (Hurdo)"
  • On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "Humanitarian Umbrella for Relief and Development Organization (Hurdo)"
  • Mail your check to: Humanitarian Umbrella for Relief and Development Organization (Hurdo)

Please contact us for further details.